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What to visit

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Discover the best places to visit, hidden gems and unmissable activities in Albufeira and Lisbon, making your stay with us truly unique. Explore, dream and live your vacation to the fullest with D_Loft.


With its stunning beaches of golden sand and turquoise waters, it offers the ideal setting for those looking for sun, sea and fun.
It is also a place of great cultural and historical richness
Here, every day is a new adventure, from relaxing on the paradisiacal beaches, exploring hidden caves on boat trips, to enjoying the lively nightlife.

History and culture

Main Church
Construction from the end of the century. XVIII. Imposing bell tower. Interior of a single nave. On the main altar, a valuable image of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, patron saint of Albufeira (18th century), and an altarpiece painted by the Algarve artist Samora Barros (20th century). On the side altars and in the sacristy, images from the 17th century. XVIII and XIX.
Chapel of Nossa Senhora Da Orada

Typical rural hermitage, built in a formerly deserted valley, object of fishermen’s devotion. It keeps “ex-votos” illustrating miracles. In the churchyard, two tombs of victims of constitutional struggles (19th century).

Sant’Ana Church

Architectural forms of popular inspiration (18th century), with a dome surrounded by pinnacles. The main chapel has a wooden altarpiece from the mid-19th century. XVIII.

Misericórdia Church

Site of ancient Arab mosque. In 1499, it was restored as the Alcaides chapel. Rebuilt after the 1755 earthquake, it preserves the portal, triumphal arch and apse from the Gothic building (15th century). Nearby, the Gothic portal of the old Albergaria.

São Sebastião Church
This church was built in the middle of the century. XVIII and is located in Praça Miguel Bombarda. Its architectural forms are popularly inspired. From its exterior, there is a dome and two portals, the side of which is decorated with Manueline-style stonework, constituting a beautiful example of Baroque decoration. The interior has a single nave and features a wooden altarpiece from the second half of the 19th century. XVIII, six images of saints, all in wood and by unknown authors, and also a stone image, perhaps from the 18th century. XVI, which should belong to the old Hermitage of Nossa Senhora da Piedade.

Beaches and Leisure

Falésia Beach
Tendo como pano de fundo a longa falésia que se pinta de tons avermelhados, acobreados ou dourados, atinge o seu momento With the long cliff as a backdrop painted in reddish, coppery or golden tones, it reaches its moment of maximum beauty at dusk. The immense sandy beach, which stretches for several kilometers between Olhos de Água and Vilamoura, has several concession beleza máxima ao entardecer. O imenso areal, que se estende por vários quilómetros entre os Olhos de Água e Vilamoura, possui diversas áreas concessionadas.
Evaristo, Castelo e Coelha

Cove protected by rock formations. Great natural beauty.


Sand between cliffs that goes on for kilometers. Includes a variety of tourist equipment.
Towards Albufeira, two small, quiet and uncrowded beaches.
